Prep Expert

Prep Expert is one of the fastest growing SAT and ACT preparatory providers in the world. 2,000,000 students have used our SAT and ACT Prep to improve their test scores, taking home millions in scholarships, and admissions into top colleges.

Our 6-week SAT prep classes teaches students numerous strategies, developed by Prep Expert Founder Shaan Patel — a student who went from an average SAT score to a perfect score, to help any average student to become a perfect score too!

In addition, 2400 Expert offers competitive pricing for tutoring. Low-cost courses are offered in person or online in 6-week timespans, and feature location based tutoring, hands on instruction, unique testing strategies, and a 100% risk-free money back gaurantee. Private tutoring sessions are offered at 1/2 the price of Kaplan and 1/3 the price of Princeton Review. Each tutoring session comes with a distinguished instructor with degrees from Harvard, Yale, MIT, and similar.


Founder + Year Founded

Shaan Patel


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